Thursday, June 28, 2007

keepin' it simple

I really like the Southern Baptist "end times" view:

God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its
appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally
and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will
judge all men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, the
place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and
glorified bodies will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with
the Lord.

I know next to nothing about eschatology and I really don't care very much. Maybe it is just because I am too lazy to do the research into it all. I guess I have always thought that my energy was better spent on other things. My view has always been, "Christ will return and if you are a Christian it's going to be really really good." What really matters is how I live my life now - moment to moment before God.

As far as tribulation and all that, I don't think that the end times holds a monopoly on trials. Hard things happen all the time. I know that if I am walking with God and staying close to Him, He will give me the wisdom and strength to get through anything.

My mom always says that in heaven we aren't going to be saying "Ha ha! I was right and you were wrong." We will all be too busy rejoicing in His presence!

1 comment:

Rivers Daughter said...

Here, here! O' yez, O'yez *bangs on table with tea tankard* preach it sister. Eschatology (shh don't tell them I said this) is over rated and over indulged in. To many books writen, to much time spent and wasted on it. People trying to decided things from when and how, what color of socks we should be wearing and if we should form a circle or square upon seeing the sky break open. Should we lift our hands up or fall on our faces? Should we dance in front of the skeptics and chant "told ya so, told ya so"? Or just give them a quite smug smile? Will the anitchrist be an American (it has to be, we are the most 'evil' people in the world since Hitler is died). Is he alive right now? Will things get really, really bad? Or just a little worse, are we going before or after the really bad part? What about all this 666 stuff????? AAAAaaaaa ffzzzzzz,boooooom, splat,pitter patter....little bits of Rivers Daughter rain down. Oh well.