Sunday, June 25, 2006

On attention to detail

It hit me while I was washing dishes this evening that my kitchen sink is draining normally again.
Last week I prayed for provision. I am in-between jobs at the moment and July was looking to be tight and several things needed fixing. The drain was one and my car the other.
The car first. A couple of friends from church came to look at my car. They thought it was the starter that needed to be replaced, so they brought over a new part and took out the old one only to discover that the new one was the wrong size. They took both parts back to the shop where they bought the new one and when someone suggested testing the old part it turned out that it was actually working fine. So they put it back. However, in the process of taking the part out and replacing it something was jiggled enough that my car now starts again! Even if it is only a temporary fix, I really couldn't ask for more.
The drain was not really on my priority list, but it would have demanded attention at some point. It has been very slow for a couple weeks and although I knew it should be fixed before I move out, I figured I could live with it. So the drain is just gravy, really.
Also, I visited HR on Friday and we got enough paperwork finished that I will be getting a paycheck next week.
So here is an answered prayer. I know all these things must sound so trivial but somehow that just makes me more excited! How amazing it is that my God and Father cares enough to provide not only big things but small things as well!
I am continually blown away by His love in the details of life.

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